Acupuncture Treatment
Rheumatoid arthritis
Frozen shoulder, tennis elbow
Back pain, sciatic pain
Auto accident related injuries
Post-surgery recovery enhancement
Headache, migraine, TMJ pain
Allergic rhinitis (runny nose, stuffy nose, frequent sneezing)
Post-stroke symptoms (hemiplegia, numbness, facial paralysis)
Computer related injuries (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, neck/shoulder/arm/wrist pain)
Herbal Treatment – Internal Medicine
Chronic fatigue
Fatty liver
Angina, chest pain/stuffiness, palpitation
Stomach prolapse, stomach cramps
Chronic indigestion
Chronic diarrhea, irregular bowl movement
Flu, bronchitis, cough, asthma
Nephritic edema, difficulty urination, urinary incontinence
Enlarged prostate, low libido
Herbal Treatment - Gynecology
Irregular/painful/excessive menstruation
PMS, PMS related acne, leukorrhea
Infertility, habitual miscarriage
Low libido, postpartum herbal tonic
Menopause syndromes (hot flashes, body pain, stress, insomnia, depression)
Herbal Treatment - Teenager
Herbal tonic for body development
Memory and concentration enhancements
Frequent nose bleeding
Initial Consultation: 1 hour - $90.oo
Tongue Evaluation
Pulse Diagnostics
Acupuncture treatment
Herbal Recommendations as appropriate
Plan for course of treatment
Follow-Up Consultations: 1 hour - $75.oo
Tongue Evaluation
Pulse Diagnostics
Acupuncture treatment
Herbal Recommendations as appropriate*